person holding vinyl records

## Introduction The vinyl industry has experienced a remarkable resurgence in recent years, with a significant increase in sales and growing popularity among music enthusiasts. However, behind the scenes, the industry is facing numerous challenges that threaten its sustainability. Rising costs, printing backlogs, environmental concerns, and outdated equipment are just a few of the issues plaguing the industry. In the midst of these challenges, a British company called elasticStage has emerged, claiming to have the technology to revolutionize vinyl production. In this article, we will explore the current state of the vinyl industry, the problems it faces, and how elasticStage aims to address them.

The Troubles of the Vinyl Industry

Vinyl records have witnessed a remarkable revival, with sales skyrocketing over the past decade. In the United States alone, vinyl sales reached a staggering 41.7 million units in 2021, a 45-fold increase from 16 years ago. Germany has also seen a significant surge in vinyl sales, with numbers jumping from 0.3 million in 2006 to 4.5 million in the previous year. While these figures may seem promising, they mask the underlying challenges that the industry is grappling with.

Despite the growing demand for vinyl, the industry is on the verge of breaking point. Material shortages, outdated equipment, a backlog in printing, and rising costs have put immense strain on the industry. Moreover, mainstream label dominance and environmental concerns surrounding the use of PVC, the primary material for vinyl production, further compound the industry’s woes. To overcome these challenges, innovative solutions are needed.

Introducing elasticStage: The Future of Vinyl Production

elasticStage, a British company co-founded by Steve Rhodes and Werner Freistaetter, aims to revolutionize the vinyl industry with its groundbreaking technology. Both Rhodes and Freistaetter bring extensive experience in the music industry, which they have leveraged to create the world’s first “on-demand” vinyl manufacturer.

Rhodes and Freistaetter started their journey in vinyl production with Vinyl Carvers, a company that allows individuals to create a single vinyl disc. However, they soon realized that there was a need to transform the entire sector. With their patent-pending technology, elasticStage aims to make vinyl production profitable and scalable.

The Current Challenges in Vinyl Production

To understand the significance of elasticStage’s innovation, it is crucial to comprehend the current process of vinyl production. Making a vinyl record is a complex and intricate task that requires expertise and precision. The gap between the heyday of vinyl and its resurgence in popularity has resulted in a shortage of skilled engineers who can maintain and operate the machines used in vinyl production.

While new factories and machine-makers have emerged, the demand for vinyl far outweighs the supply. Existing machines are often booked months in advance, and the high financial investment required to acquire and maintain these machines poses a significant barrier for many. This scarcity and limited production capacity have driven up costs and hindered the growth of the industry.

elasticStage’s Innovative Approach

elasticStage’s technology offers a fresh perspective on vinyl production. Unlike traditional methods that involve multiple complex steps and the use of chemicals, elasticStage’s machine eliminates the need for electroplating and heating up plastic. Instead, users can upload a lossless track online, which is then transferred to the machine via the cloud. The machine quickly prints the record, ensuring a hassle-free and immediate production process.

One of the key advantages of elasticStage’s technology is its ability to retain the classic vinyl sound that enthusiasts love. By utilizing a magnetic field, similar to the original method of vinyl production, elasticStage ensures that the analog feel is preserved. Furthermore, the company claims to have eliminated many of the negative elements associated with vinyl, such as loss of quality, loud pops, and clicks.

The Business Potential of elasticStage

elasticStage has identified three primary markets for its innovative vinyl production technology: small creators, regular printing, and compilations. The rise of independent creators in recent years has created a vast market of individuals eager to have their music on vinyl. With the increasing number of creators on platforms like Spotify, the demand for physical records is expected to grow significantly.

For small creators, elasticStage provides a platform where they can customize their vinyl, including the cover, inserts, and track listing. Within 48 hours, their personalized record is ready for delivery. This streamlined process empowers independent artists and positions elasticStage as a leading player in the industry.

elasticStage is also in talks with major record labels and music streaming platforms to embed their platform, creating a seamless experience for users. By allowing customers to order records directly from streaming apps, elasticStage aims to tap into the lucrative market of large artists and compilations. This integration could potentially drive a significant increase in vinyl sales.

The Future of elasticStage

elasticStage has ambitious plans for the future. The company intends to move its production facilities from Germany to the UK and conduct a trial run in 2023, aiming to produce one million records that year. By the following year, elasticStage plans to establish large facilities in Europe and the US, significantly increasing its production and shipping capacity.

In terms of pricing, elasticStage aims to make its records affordable, with an estimated cost of around £20 ($23 or €23). This competitive pricing strategy ensures that vinyl produced with elasticStage’s technology remains accessible to a wide range of consumers.

While elasticStage’s technology holds great promise, the patent-pending nature of their innovation has limited the details available to the public. However, a prototype record provided by the company showcased impressive quality and resemblance to traditional vinyl. With £3.5 million ($4.2 million) in seed funding and investor confidence, elasticStage has the potential to revolutionize the vinyl industry and establish Europe as a key player in vinyl production.

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