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Discover how AI-powered neuromarketing is transforming YouTube ads, making them more effective than ever before.


In the world of digital advertising, YouTube has emerged as a powerhouse platform with immense potential for brands to reach and engage their target audiences. However, creating ads that truly resonate with viewers and drive desired outcomes has always been a challenge. Traditional methods of testing and analyzing ads often fall short, leaving marketers guessing about the effectiveness of their campaigns. But now, a revolutionary approach is taking the stage – AI-powered neuromarketing.

The Science Behind Neuromarketing

Neuromarketing is a field that studies brain responses to marketing stimuli, providing insights into consumer behavior that traditional methods cannot capture. By leveraging advanced technologies like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), and eye-tracking, neuromarketers can measure and analyze brain activity to understand how consumers perceive, process, and respond to ads.

The Exclusive Nature of Neuromarketing

While the concept of neuromarketing has been around for decades, it has remained an exclusive endeavor due to its high cost and resource-intensive nature. The price tag of €15-20k per hour for an MRI machine, along with the time and expertise required for EEG testing and eye-tracking, has limited its accessibility to only a few marketers. As a result, most marketers have relied on expert opinions and subjective evaluations, which may not always align with the actual performance of their campaigns.

A Frustrating Reality for Marketers

For marketers, the lack of accurate and reliable data about the effectiveness of their ads has been a constant source of frustration. They often invest significant time, effort, and resources into campaigns based on high expectations, only to see disappointing results. This hit-or-miss approach not only wastes valuable resources but also hampers the ability to optimize and improve future campaigns.

Enter Making Neuromarketing Accessible

To address these challenges and provide marketers with actionable insights, has developed a groundbreaking platform that combines AI-powered predictive eye-tracking with machine vision. This platform allows marketers to pre-test and benchmark their YouTube ads, gaining unique insights into their expected performance and how they stack up against competitors.

How Works’s platform focuses specifically on YouTube ads, allowing marketers to analyze their ads’ brand attention score, cognitive ease score, and ad breakthrough score. These scientifically proven metrics, combined with learnings from thousands of other campaigns, provide marketers with a comprehensive understanding of their ad’s effectiveness.

The brand attention score measures how well the brand is noticed by viewers, while the cognitive ease score gauges how easy an ad is to process and remember. The ad breakthrough score indicates the level of attention an ad receives when placed in a YouTube context. By analyzing these metrics, marketers can identify areas of improvement and optimize their ads for maximum impact.

The Power of Predictive Insights

What sets apart is its ability to provide predictive insights into ad performance without the need for participants. By leveraging AI and machine vision, can accurately predict visual attention in a similar way to eye-tracking, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 95%. This allows marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their ads before launching them on YouTube.

From Research Solution to Marketing Tool

While’s predictive eye-tracking platform,, initially served as a research solution, the team behind recognized the need for a more accessible marketing tool. They understood that marketers needed a simple indicator to answer the question, “Does my ad suck?” This realization led to the development of, which aims to provide marketers with a traffic light indicator of their ad’s effectiveness.

Metrics that Drive Success’s platform not only provides metrics to evaluate ad performance but also offers valuable insights into how to create effective ads. By analyzing thousands of campaigns and tests, has identified key factors that contribute to a successful ad. For example, it emphasizes the importance of attention to the brand at the start and end of the ad, as well as throughout its duration. These insights enable marketers to craft ads that capture viewers’ attention and deliver their messages effectively.

The Benefits of

By leveraging the power of AI and neuromarketing, offers several key benefits to marketers:

  • Cost-effective:’s platform eliminates the need for expensive and resource-intensive research methods, making neuromarketing accessible to a wider range of marketers.
  • Time-saving: With, marketers can quickly and easily analyze their ads’ effectiveness, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their campaigns more efficiently.
  • Actionable insights:’s platform provides clear and actionable insights into ad performance, enabling marketers to identify areas of improvement and create more effective ads.

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